Resource How to set a fair price This resource has been developed from the first event “Let’s Talk About Price” of the monthly webinar series: Like Peeling an Onion that explores the layers of community food enterprises. Watch the webinar now Event Three Insights It...
Resource Introduction to effective inventory management & price structuring An introduction to the core principles of inventory management and price structuring in a retail setting. These principles are applicable to a broad range of community food enterprises and...
Resource Local Food Cost Calculator In response to excuses that adding local food to the menu in restaurants or institutions would be too expensive, American local food group SCALEdeveloped a ‘Local food cost calculator’. The calculator can be used as a budgeting tool...
Resource Financial Literacy for Community Groups Aimed at not-for-profits, but useful for everyone, this guide makes sure that everyone has ready access to the information needed to operate effectively in a complex and changing financial environment Click here to...
Resource A guide to pricing your farm produce It can be difficult for small scale farmers just beginning to sell produce to know what kind of pricing is reasonable and accurate – especially given that there is not currently any price transparency mechanism available...