Resource Food Safety Guides Farmer’s Markets Food Safety Guide This guide is produced by the Australian Farmer’s Market Association for its members but is a good general guide to food safety for small enterprises. Click here to access this guide So, you want to start...
Resource Making Local Food Work: Influencing consumer buying behaviour This report, commissioned by Making Local Food Work, discusses how to close the gap between how much people say they want to buy local food and how little they actually buy. It suggests closing...
Resource Choosing a Legal Structure for your Farm or Food Enterprise These resources are presented for social enterprises but provide a general guide to the pros and cons of the full range of for-profit to non-profit legal structures. This handy ready reckoner...
Resource A guide to pricing your farm produce It can be difficult for small scale farmers just beginning to sell produce to know what kind of pricing is reasonable and accurate – especially given that there is not currently any price transparency mechanism available...
Resource The DIY Marketing Guide for Community Supported Agriculture A guide that is aimed at new and existing CSAs who want to develop a simple, do-able, affordable marketing plan. The DIY Marketing Guide For Community Supported Agriculture Latest Resources...