Participate in research about Open Food Network
Adam Moore is a PhD student at the University of Melbourne, undertaking a research project about the Open Food Network. He’s researching how the Open Food Network community develops and cares for the Open Food Network itself – as a digital platform, as a commons of tools and resources, and as a unique way of working.
So far, Adam has had the opportunity to interview many of the people working ‘behind the scenes’ on the Open Food Network, about the challenges and complexities of what they do, why they think it is important, and how their work has changed over time.
Adam is also hoping to speak with those who use the platform as part of their food enterprises, with those who use it for their food shopping, and with those for whom the Open Food Network has provided products and services.
If you are interested in participating in this research project, please get in contact with Adam via in order to organise for a potential interview.
The focus of the interview may be on why you choose to use the Open Food Network, your reflections on what it means to you as a way to relate to food differently, as well as any other things you would like to talk about. The interview can last for as long as you would like and will be kept completely anonymous.
For further information, please see the Plain Language Statement for this research project or get in contact with Adam.
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