Food Subsidy Pilot Project

Food Subsidy Pilot Project

Introducing Our Newest Pilot Project: Increasing Financial Access to Food Through Community Food Enterprises Funded by Citi Foundation Image credit: Baw Baw Food Hub .. a huge success and took place in.  was   At Open Food Network, we believe everyone should have...
Food for All: Promoting Equality, Dignity, and Sustainability

Food for All: Promoting Equality, Dignity, and Sustainability

Food for All: Promoting Equality, Dignity, and Sustainability  Funding equitable food access and capacity building In 2022, Open Food Network (OFN) received a grant from the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation (LMCF) to implement the Food with Dignity Through Community...
Why local government should be focused on Food Systems

Why local government should be focused on Food Systems

Our Services Why local government should be focused on Food Systems  Community food systems have the power to improve wellbeing and connectedness, while also supporting vulnerable members of the community. Many councils are now recognising the benefits of supporting...
Idaho’s Bounty

Idaho’s Bounty

Case Study Idaho’s Bounty Idaho’s Bounty was established in 2007 in Idaho, USA to address the predicament that was facing the state- over 98% of the state’s food came from outside of Idaho, despite the state being a large food producer and exporter. Today the...
2 & 5

2 & 5

Case Study 2 & 5 2&5 is a social enterprise in the Corio, Victoria which was setup to tackle food insecurity in the socio-economically disadvantaged local community. 2&5 improve the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables in the area through their...

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