Sector development
Farmers & Eaters Seymour
Designing next steps for Seymour’s regional food system
This project will bring together local farmers, food producers, and community to build relationships and networks for a revitalised regional food system.
The project involves:
- A regional food system analysis, developed from consultation and engagement with the farming and distribution sector. This will occur with a focus on developing and strengthening food system networks and shaping the one-day event.
- A one-day event which will bring together local food producers, distributors and consumers to co-design initiatives to activate greater local fresh food access in the region. The aim of the day is to design next actions to achieve a stronger regional food system.
The project will connect food producers and eaters, and strengthen networks that help connect food producers with customers. It aims to build on regional strengths and opportunities, and foster collaboration in the region to lead into development of projects that the network of food producers believe will improve their viability.
Help shape the project
The project runs until July 2020, with the event itself to be scheduled for Autumn 2020. A North East Farmers and Eaters event is running concurrently with the same format, and there is the possibility for the two regions to work together on projects.
If you are interested in participating, attending the event, sharing information, or otherwise getting involved, please get in touch. If would be willing to participate in our regional analysis by being interviewed, let us know!
Contact Jen Sheridan on to get involved.
This project is made possible with funding from the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund.
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